(55)13285256 [email protected]

Environmental Baseline

The Environmental Baseline is an input for the Environmental Impact Statement. This study evaluates the environmental conditions in which the habitats, ecosystems, elements and natural resources are found, as well as the interaction relationships and the environmental services existing in the Study Area at the time prior to the execution of the activities. Environmental Baseline describes those elements of the environment that are in the area of influence of the project or activity, and that give rise to the need to present an Environmental Impact Study.

SEMARNAT procedures

Our Services

To support you with your environmental baseline we offer you:


Preparation of the environmental baseline


Compliance Diagnosis


Follow-up to process


Our experience in this transact will allow you to comply successfully and without risks,

Risk analysis

Our work


We are a consulting firm with extensive regulatory and environmental experience in different sectors at the national level. More than 500 clients recommend us.

Environmental Baseline


What is its legal basis?
Articles 1 and 95 of the Hydrocarbons Law; 28, section II of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA); 3, section XI, 5, section XVIII, 7 section I of the Law of the National Agency for Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection and 5, subsection D) section IX, of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection in Matter Environmental Impact Assessment
How is it delivered? (What is offered to the client)
A detailed LBA Report is delivered that must be presented to the Agency (according to the management process), which will comply with the content established in the Guide for the Preparation and Presentation of the ASEA Environmental Baseline.

Single Feasibility Opinion



(55) 1328 5256


Avenue Michoacán 9, Penthouse, Hipódromo, CDMX.

Monday – Friday

9am – 7pm